Our Story

A Journey to Building Generational Wealth

Empowering Parents to Invest for their Children.

The idea behind Houseriver was inspired by a conversation with a foreigner in early 2022.

John’s friend shared how her father had invested in assets for her as a teenager, providing her with a financial head start early in life. The story of financial foresight struck a chord with him, and he wanted to do the same for his youngest sister.

In his search to make that happen, he found that there were no straightforward tools or platforms for Nigerians to invest for their children or younger ones. That led him on a journey to create a solution—Houseriver.

Our purpose at Houseriver is to empower Nigerian parents and adults, especially millennials who are raising the next generation, to invest for their children, younger siblings, and relatives.

Our Mission

We are set to help families build Generational Wealth

Our mission is to unlock opportunities to make African families wealthier by providing a platform of resources that aid financial empowerment.

Join more parents to build wealth

Houseriver earned 4.8 star ratings from users of the private beta app.

Join more parents to build wealth

Houseriver earned 4.8 star ratings from users of the private beta app.

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